Something strange is happening to me. Now that I am officially back in the role of 'student' I am finding that my perspective is very different in my role as a training consultant. Although, I'm involved in teaching and training, it's been over 25 years since I've been to school. I am having to walk in the shoes of the learner again and struggle to figure out things I don't know. I have to ask questions, (LOTS of questions!) and I am reminded of how it must feel to be a new employee in a new world. This is a great perspective (since I work with new employees) and I am more tuned in to learning and training now that I am learning again! I don't want you to misunderstand. It is not that I have been sitting stagnant with my brain collecting dust. I've taken a few courses, built up my knowledge in various jobs and worked on skill development. I'm always learning, BUT not to the extent that pursuing this degree in Instructional Design entails. It is humbling to be back in these shoes and I feel it will benefit my work.
The other revelation I've had, is I am remembering the excitement of learning something new ...... I am excited by all the new ways to learn! Blogging, subscribing to other blogs, online degrees, Wiki's, knowledge sharing, and all of the video and technology tools that go along with our world today just were not around 25 years ago.
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